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April 10, 2024: Program Meeting, Creative Deal Structures - Earnouts, Seller Notes, Consulting, etc
Papa Razzi, Wellesley, MA
16 Washington St
Wellesley, MA 02481

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: NEBBA Meetings

Creative Deal Structures - Earnouts, Seller Notes, Consulting, etc

Join our esteemed panel, comprised of an accountant, lawyer, and business broker, who brings forth a wealth of experience to delve into innovative deal structures for 2024. Their discussion will encompass various facets including operations, negotiations, financing, and management. With their extensive exposure to a multitude of offers and purchase agreements, these professionals possess invaluable insights into the reactions of lenders, sellers, CPAs, and their respective counsels. They are adept at shaping final agreements and are eager to impart their perspectives to our audience.

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Contact: Linda Vogler - NEBBA Administrator - 978.263.5559 - [email protected]